Friday, March 2, 2012


So somehow my grade is an F in this class... kinda makes me not want to do anything anymore now. D: butttttt anywayssss
What has Kahlie accomplished so far?
 her response: "I have accomplished basically getting my jacket turned into a shirt. I also made an armwarmer out of one of the sleeves. I have written all my steps out on how and what I cut and sewed together."   
 Im still in the process of making this urm shirt. its alot like the one I did last year for fun. You know the SevenDust and bandana one?...yeahh.  but this one is just made out of a jackettt ;D and minus the zipper.... NO zipper needed on this one;D woooh.<3
and I think im going to like tiedye it to give it more character. its plad and tiedye together. how many times have you seen that?..... thats right, your answer should be none.... o.o
My project will be finished soon. hopefully my grade becomes higher then an F. :o anyways I think that this is all I have to say, time to go work more on this... whatever you want to call it. Peace BroBee<3 ~ KAY. MEZZACAPA(:

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